Lush Winter Goody Bag | Haul

Last week I was suppose to be going to Lush in Exeter, Devon for the launch of their winter products, sadly I couldn't make but they kindly saved me a goody bag which I'm going to be talking to you about today! 

So White Shower Gel - 

A few ingredients are added to this shower gel including fresh apple and cyder vinegar, also some soothing rose. It has a very spicy scent to it, I don't really know how to explain it apart from saying 'winter spice'. It says on the bottle that it 'helps soothe the skin and calm the mind' this sounds so relaxing I cannot wait to get this haul done so I can have a bath and finally use these products! 

Christmas Eve Bubble Bar -

This is going to add so many bubbles to your bath, just simply crumble the bar under the hot tap whilst your bath is running then the scents and colours from the bubble bar will reveal themselves, Im so excited to see what the smell and colours are going to be like, as I already think the bright colours on it look beautiful, ofcorse I can't use it until Christmas Eve though! 

Honey I Washed The Kids -

Can I just firstly say that this is my favourite product I got in the goody bag, it smells amazing and it's also got a gorgeous caramel scent to it. It's full of so many good ingredients like Aloe Vera, Coconut Oil, Honey ect, these are so good for the skin and to have them all in one bar of soap will be interesting to use I can already tell my skin is going to be feeling silky smooth after a few scrubs! 

Sparkler Bath Bomb -

This bath bomb contains POPPING CANDY! Noone understands my excitment right now it's pretty obvious what's going to happen, maybe a mini firework display before you get in the bath?! Again like the Christmas Eve bubble bar it doesn't reveal it's smell and colours until it's in the water. It is said to be 'Rose Jam Scented' It has also been said that it is shimmering and sparkling, I suppose I will find out for myself once I've used it!

Visit for their winter collection


  1. I like the smell of "So White" shower gel, it's amazing!!!
    Check their Christmas products that are new released, they smell absolutely lovely. <3

    Do check out my blog and follow me, love lots <3

    1. Yes I love the so white shower gel makes the skin really smooth aswell! And I will now :)!xxx

  2. OMG I love Lush stuff ! They smell so good :)

    1. I know I love their winter products! So good for the price aswell xx

  3. Thanks for visiting my blog Roxy! These look like great products, I love how they sound!

    1. That's okay :) and yes they are gorgeous !!! xxx

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  5. Thanks for following I followed you back! Keep in touch!

  6. LOVE Lush! I purchased quite a few of their Halloweeny bubble bars this week! I would really appreciate it if you could check out my blog as i'm a new blogger in this pretty scary but amazing community!
    Love, Jessica x
