My Staple Winter Pieces | 2015

Here are some of my favourite staple pieces I've been wearing so far this winter, these will also be styled up in a blog post coming soon so I can show you how I wear them. 

I love layering in the winter with jackets/coats, I try and mix colours that will bounce off eachother, the Grey and brown jacket is perfect for this, the scarf really compliments this look as it has quite a few different colours and really stands out, it looks lovely against the brown jacket! Boots are such an important staple piece for me, I love wearing them with layered outfits and some black tights, then maybe a long tee or dress. Finally finishing off the look I have some nude nail varnish which just goes with everything so I wear it alllllll the time and this cute bobble hat with a Pom Pom on top, I love the White snowy colour, I think if it was brown there would be to much brown in my outfit so it's a perfect match, also it goes with everything I wear, which is ideal because it's getting colder by the day! I'm so in love with these pieces, the colours together really compliment eachother. As usual I will leave all the links/details to these below (: 

Brown Jacket -

Scarf - Vintage 

Love Roxy x

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