Christmas Haul (What I Got For Christmas)

I hope everyone had an amazing Christmas and got what they wanted. I feel so lucky and it's definitely a time of year when you realise not to take things for granted, everyone's in good spirits and it's such a happy time. Not forgetting the food! There was so much food and never ending Turkey, chocolates and crisps with dips. It went way to quickly and I'm really sad it's over. So most of the gifts I received I didn't know anything about them as that's what presents are, suprises! Unfortunately I don't know where every item I got is from or how much it cost so I'm so so sorry about that, I also recieved money and gift vouchers so I'm definitely going to be buying more clothes in the sale! 

Loads of chocolate, way to much I don't think I can eat anymore! I got Cadbury milk tray, quality streets, Lindor, Maltesers, truffles and more but I've eaten them.

Dressing Gown And Pyjamas which I'm really happy with they are so cosy and warm.

Bath Salts, Smellys, Shower Gel, Bath Bomb, gift sets. This is why I always smell brilliant after Christmas I love it! 

Woman's Lynx And Impulse Body Sprays, gift vouchers and money, can't wait to head over to the sales (will be doing a sales haul) 

I got quite a lot of makeup and I don't have a clue where it is from or what make it is as it doesn't say on the front or back I also got fantasy perfume by Britney Spears.

I hope everyone has a happy new year and I'm sorry I can't list where everything is from as I don't really know, I also revived some other gifts that I can't take pictures of as I've used or eaten them!


  1. Sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas and I glad you love all your presents too! I hope you have a great time in the sales too! x x

  2. I love these "what I got" posts. I am too curious a person to not look through them! I LOVE britney spears fantasy perfume! Also your jumpers look so soft and cosy! I'm glad you had a good Christmas :)

  3. great post!!!
